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Why You Should Start Learning Spanish BEFORE Dating Latinas

Nacho. Suave. Plaza. Tango.

Can you recall hearing these words before? These are some of the Spanish words that have been incorporated into the English language. Considering Spanish is the third most common language spoken in the country, it’s no surprise.

Still, it doesn’t hold a candle to the most widely used language in the world, which is English. If English is widely spoken, why would it be worth learning a foreign language?

There are so many intriguing things out there that merely learning one language will not help you in your search. There are locations to go, cultures to learn about, and people to meet, and if you stay in your little bubble, you won’t go anywhere near them.

Interracial marriage is slowly becoming the norm. It’s possible that this is already the situation in other nations. If you’ve been unsuccessful in your hunt for a life companion, perhaps it’s time to broaden your horizons.

And what if a lovely Latina walks right past you? Do you believe you have a chance of romancing her? Zero​, Zilch, Zip, Nada, Nothing.

If you’re thinking of dating a Latina, you might need to brush up on your language skills from high school. Plus, if you romance her in your native tongue, you’re more likely to win her over.

Man reading book
Learning Spanish can aid you greatly when dating Latinas. Photo by Ben White on Unplash

Developing a better understanding of Latinas

Are you familiar with Sofia Vergara?

You might recognize her from the noontime program Modern Family, where she played Gloria Rodriguez. She is one of several Latinas who became famous as a result of her distinctive accent and exotic looks.

She embodies everything a Latina is thought to be: witty, passionate, and sensuous. She is not only attractive, but also intelligent. Despite her intelligence, she is best known for being the archetypal Latina spitfire.

What is the reason behind this? People, unfortunately, have a tendency to characterize a person only on the basis of what they perceive.

To love a Latina, you must accept her as a whole person, not just her physical appearance. Being gorgeous and curvy is a desirable feature, but you should be aware that they are more than simply gorgeous.

That is why it is critical that you learn how to interact effectively with one. It’s not a good idea to reduce a person to their most obvious characteristic; you’ll only be able to love them in part.

Wouldn’t it be better to understand them than by learning to speak Spanish?

The Benefits of Learning Spanish When Dating a Latina

Learning another language, as corny as it may seem, may truly transform one’s life. When you put yourself in the shoes of a new culture, your view of yourself changes. And you must be able to speak to the hearts of those who belong to that culture if you want to win them over.

Dating Latinas is not for the weak. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to overcome your cultural differences.

There’s no better way to show a Latina you care than to take the time to learn her native dialect. Take a look at it from a long-term perspective: if you make it to marriage, you’re prepared to spend the rest of your life with her.

In this section, we will list down the advantages of learning Spanish so you can see how valuable it is.

  1. You can communicate with her much more easily

You’ll always have to struggle with language barriers when dating someone from another ethnicity. Once you begin to date a Latina, you’ll realize the impact learning Spanish makes on a relationship

You could find her slip of the tongue cute at first, but if you get into a quarrel with her, you’ll be subjected to a torrent of obscenities. Though it may be beneficial to ignore the insults she may be hurling at you, you will have a greater chance of patching things up if you at least grasp the essentials.

Women in tree
The Spanish language captures the essence of what it is to be a Latino — passionate, driven and loving. Photo by Daniel Apodaca on Unplash

Latin Americans revert to their original tongue when they reach the pinnacle of their emotions. That’s the challenge when dealing with bilinguals. You can’t expect your partner to always speak English; you must make an effort to learn her language as well.

  1. She finds you more appealing

It’s good to be smart AND fluent in Spanish. You’re more likely to attract the crowd you’re looking for. More importantly, you will sweep the floor with all the Latinas clamoring for your attention.

Spanish is one of the most seductive languages you’ll ever hear. The majority of us identify Spanish with adjectives like desire, seduction, passion, and anything else that comes to mind when it comes to romance.

Have you ever observed how bilinguals change their personalities when they switch languages? They communicate in a way that reflects how they view their own culture. It is most shown in their speech.

  1. You will be able to understand her culture better

You’ll not only be exposed to a new culture, but you’ll also gain insight into how Latin Americans approach life in general. You may now understand why Latin Americans have strong familial ties, why telenovelas are so popular, and why they are so enthusiastic about everything they do.

Couple watching the sunset
Couples are brought together by love, and it’s understanding that keeps this love afloat. Photo by sept commercial on Unplash

In addition, you will be introduced to good content and material sources. If you enjoy reading, you’ll have a field day browsing for decent novels. Latin America is rich in materials and art, most of which are related to their history and culture.

Overcoming the Language Barrier

Learning a language is not an easy task. After all, not all of us are capable of juggling two languages at once. The best way to learn Spanish is to talk to a native speaker.

A widely known language such as English would help us expand our knowledge and build relationships with other people around the globe. But if you want to build a deeper and genuine connection with others, you must start with the very basics.

Whenever you communicate with a man in a language he understands, that goes straight to his head. When you speak to him in his own language, it goes straight to his heart.